
Monetary Donations

We are a 501c3 tax exempt non profit. We accept monetary donations via check or PayPal . Our major expense is mailing out packages of books to our readers.

We spend approximately $600 per month on mailing costs. Any contribution you can make to off set this cost is greatly appreciated and helps us to respond to more requests. The cost to mail a package of up to three books in response to a prisoner’s request ranges from $4.50 to $6.

Book Donations

We are located near Washington University and the U City Loop at 438 N Skinker. Our office & library serves as the drop off location for book donations.

Please send us an email to make arrangements if you want to donate books. Do not drop off boxes/books without checking with us first.

We accept both hardback and paperback books in good condition. Please see the info at the bottom of this page regarding books that we cannot accept as they get rejected by prisons.

Books that do not match our readers’ interests, we give away, or sell to provide funds to ship books to prisons.

Contact us at .

Please read the following about books that get rejected by prisons.

We cannot accept:

  • Books that have water or other liquid damage
  • Materials with warped pages, stains, discoloration, or mold
  • Underlined or marked texts
  • Books with their covers removed
  • Former library books
  • Textbooks that are older than 5 years
  • Encyclopedias